These Villages by Hala Strana
SAB009 | CD, DL
Hala Strana
These Villages
These Villages, the third album from Hala Strana, represents a further culmination of Steven R. Smith’s interest in Eastern European folk music. Smith’s original, instrumental compositions are peppered with interpretations of traditional népzene songs. Built on layers of sustained drone & delicately plucked and bowed strings, These Villages creates a bewitching listening experience, a highlight in Smith’s vast discography of highlights.
Track Titles
- Wood Scree
- Dressed in Rushes
- The Great Season
- October
- Meitas Gula Ābolāje
- Fear of the Land
- Népdal Tárogatón
- The Carved Yoke
- Dilkash
- Peal
- For G. Mesmer